Melisa Mumcu

Secretary General
Melisa Mumcu received her BA in International Relations from Gazi University and her MA in Financial Economics from Galatasaray University. She has worked on financial education projects and conducted research on poverty reduction and financial sustainability, as well as the social and environmental effects of poverty and financial sustainability. She has carried out a project study using an analysis of income inequality between women and men in OECD countries as functions of income distribution, labour force participation and higher education participation. Her articles have been published in online journals and publications on finance and sustainability. She works as the Secretary-General of the Financial Literacy and Inclusion Association. She carries out studies aimed at improving the financial health of low and middle-income individuals with the methods of behavioural economics.
Çağatay Türk

Digital Media Manager
Çağatay Türk received his bachelor's degree from Uludag University, Department of Economics, and continues his education at Anadolu University, Department of Sociology. He has worked as an intern in the communication department of the Turkey European Foundation and as a social media expert at Special Olympics in Turkey. In Spain, he also worked voluntarily at Xeracion. He worked on "ROVE" on human rights, "Trashocolics" on environmental awareness, "Give Hugs Not Drugs" on addictions, and "Speak Factor" on communication in Europe. He continued his freelance work with the support of social media management, digital marketing, and graphic design for local and foreign institutions. He is currently working as a Digital Media Manager at the Financial Literacy and Inclusion Association.