Within the scope of the project held by the cooperation between FODER and DenizBank, which was designed with the aim of raising the young people’s contribution to the national economy by managing their money, 10000 students between the ages of 16-25 were reached in three months by Parameter module, in which the trainings on banking sector were given.
Within the scope of the project, which started in February 2018 in order to give financial literacy training to high school and university students and which was completed in May, the students got trainings on the subjects that they can use in their daily lives, such as fund, saving, investment, budgeting and the banking operation.
The comparison between the pre-test provided the students before the start of the training and the evaluation test made in the end revealed that the awareness of financial literacy increased by almost 50 percent.
With the support of DenizBank, which has social responsibility activities held in line with Turkey’s map of needs in addition to its financial activities, Foder’s Parayön Project; which aims to ensure the young people, who reflect the future of Turkey, to manage their financial needs and to plan their future in a more conscious way, was completed successfully.
Banking sector was introduced to the students
Within the scope of the project, where 3 different modules were given to high school and university students between 2015-2016 education period and May 2018; in ‘Paragram’ training module that was prepared for the 9th and 10th grade students of high school, the students learned basic financial concepts such as fund, savings, investment, budget and wise spending; in the ‘Parameter’ training module, which was prepared for the 11th and 12th grade students of high school and the prep and freshman students of universities, the students were informed about the investment, budgeting and the banking operations. In the last module “Parayol” training program, the studies have been carried out to encourage children of the rehabilitation centers and the orphanage to learn basic financial concepts and to make them feel that they are part of everyday life.
Within the scope of the Parameter Module, where detailed information is provided on the subjects such as the operation of banks, types of banking systems, investment tools, risks, BES, loans, 10000 students were reached and the financial basis information that can be used in their daily lives was provided to them.