As the Financial Literacy and Inclusion Association, within the scope “Global Money Week” which is celebrated in the second week of March every year as a tradition, which was initiated 5 years ago by Child & Youth Finance International, we continue our preparations for trainings in order to raise awareness of children and young people on financial literacy.
Last year, we were able to reach 25,000 people between the ages of 9 -14 in Turkey, via more than 200 volunteer trainers of us.
This year, for “Global Money Week” activities that will take place between 14 -20 March 2016, our aim is to reach young people and children together with our volunteer trainers who provided support to us in that regard, in order to ensure that these people to become financially conscious, responsible and self-confident individuals.
You can also join us as volunteer in these activities by contacting us from here and share this excitement with FODER together. Be sure to note the dates between 14 and 20 March at your calendar.